What's Going On?
There are many things going on in this world that we are facing simultaneously. With the racial injustices and tension, the coronavirus, protests and soaring unemployment many are on edge. We are experiencing challenges that are testing our faith and stressing our emotional strength. The ups and downs of this season have caused us to wonder, “what’s going on?” Many had believed our country was equipped to handle any challenge but the one of a pandemic, racism, and economic turmoil has turned into the perfect storm. We have to face our mortality, our limitations, and our fears. Thankfully we don’t have to face these alone. We have been supportive of one another during these trying times by offering meals to health care workers and first responders, hosting food giveaways, donating to a food pantry, and sharing love with one another creatively.
We are feeling the pressure of the pandemic, the effects of racism, and the squeeze on our budgets. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual health has all been impacted by current events. As we traveled through these difficult times, we have persevered and faced each challenge head-on. These may have taken us by surprise but we have been here before. We didn’t expect to be divorced but our marriage didn’t work out. We did not expect to have to raise our grandchildren but their parent was incarcerated. We did not think we would have to move in with family but we lost our home when we became ill. All of these are circumstances that are beyond our control yet we have survived them. If God got us through past challenges then we can depend on God who is in control of everything to be with us along the journey of life. We may not know what’s going on but we know the one who does. We may feel uncertain and even afraid but we can remain hopeful while going through this unexpected and unprecedented time. Do your best to stay safe and sane while navigating the current changes in life. When you do not know what’s going on, be faithful to the process, make wise adjustments to what is happening, and do not get discouraged.