He’s Faithful

Did you ever think that you would be part of an era in time where the world would stop for a period of time? I know that I didn’t. Even though it has been a difficult time for a lot of people, for some in retrospect and with the right perspective, maybe it has been a much needed time of rest for others.

In Matthew 11:28 (NKJV) it says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” A lot of us have never had this much time on your hands. Let me be clear that I’m not saying that God caused this to happen to force us to rest, but for whatever reason that He allowed it, it has afforded us some time. So the question has become, "What are you doing with this time?" What are you doing during this season so that you can come out better afterward?

This Pandemic brought the country to its knees, and as a result, it has caused us to turn our face towards God. Psalms 121:1-2 instructs us and shows us where our help is from and how we access it by saying, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.” During this season let's not forget where our help comes from. We have to keep our focus in the right place. The government cannot have more of our focus than the Lord. The news cannot have more of our focus than the Lord. No source should be able to pull our focus from the Lord.

I don’t want to speak for you, so I will speak for me. My natural father passed away 17 years ago, and since that time I’ve looked even more towards God to be both my natural and spiritual father because He responds to me as both. My natural father always had my best interest at heart. If it was in his power he would move Heaven and Earth on my behalf. He would climb the highest mountain for me. He was a servant of God, the church, and his family also. Just like my natural father was concerned about me my spiritual Father has the same concerns and cares. He was so concerned about me that He sent his son to die for me. That’s how much He cares.

We serve a dope God who is concerned for His children. He was so concerned about Abraham and Isaac even after He asked for Isaac as a sacrifice that He provided a ram in a bush as a substitute for Isaac. That's how much He cared. Obedience in hard times will uncover the ram in the bush that you may not see. This pandemic may have rams for you in your obedience to keep your focus on Him.

During this season it’s easy to give up and to lose faith when things around you are crumbling and drastic changes are happening. I challenge you not to lose faith. We serve a faithful God that cares for us. So, while you are looking to God, make your request known.

My husband preached a message during this Pandemic called, "The Devil Wants You to Forget What You Say? Don't forget the promises that God has promised you. It may not look like it’s coming to pass, but trust and believe that God’s Word will come to pass. He is not a liar; you just need to not give up on God because He hasn’t given up on you. He’s Faithful.

Happy Father’s Day