Stay The Course

Facing the uncertainty of this moment in time has been challenging for most of us. Living with constant updates about the coronavirus, unemployment, and racism has taken a toll on our mental and physical health. It seems like now would be a good time to give up on our dreams or to quit living the life we have built. But in times like these, we have to fight fear and our unwelcomed reality with focusing on the future and the faithfulness of God. Our world may have been turned upside down but our plans and potential to thrive have not. We may have to pivot, reset, and refocus but all of these can be done when we stay the course. In Proverbs 16:8 we are reminded, “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps”. We can stay the course and make plans but we must be flexible when necessary and ultimately follow the plan of God. Making swift changes without connecting first to God can lead us into a place and position that can cause us distress and disappointment. Working towards our vision can give us the stability we need when so much around us is volatile. Staying the course can bring us comfort when we need it to continue the journey.

The Apostle Paul also gives us the inspiration to stay the course. In spite of the many trials and tests he had to endure, he persevered through them and often without the support of others. Sometimes we will have to stick with it even when support has dwindled and been shaky throughout our journey. Our current life situations may be uncertain, unstable, and even unimaginable but our faith and fortitude have seen us through. Our mental, emotional, and physical strength have taken a hit but we are learning how to grow and endure in what appears, at times, to be an unfruitful season. Like the Psalmist we can speak encouragement and hope to our situations. Psalm 119:49-50 “Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life”. You and I should stay the course because our hope is not in circumstances. Our hope is not in systems or people but our hope is in God.