Life on Pause

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. Psalm 23:1-3 NLT

We are all on a journey that has us restrained in order to make sure everyone is safe. For some this has meant their ability to move about freely, go to work and social events have been limited and they are beginning to feel stressed, depressed, and isolated. All of these responses are within reason. It is important to acknowledge our feelings but also realize our faith is able to handle our distress. We are not in this by ourselves. Life on pause is temporary and it’s not about individual safety and security. It’s about what’s best for everyone.

Sometimes our experiences may be overwhelming but then as we begin to settle ourselves we begin to see what God has been up to even in the chaos of life. God has promised to lead us in every season of life. The time we find ourselves in now can be used in our favor. This pruning season, this season of rest can be productive in prayer, in creativity, and in nurturing our purpose.

` This pause is not permanent but is a part of a process of being more in tune with the will of God and caring for one another in an authentic way. While on pause our sense of community has expanded, our kindness has been manifested and our generosity has increased as well. We are living the Golden Rule – treating others as we want to be treated and the Greatest Commandment – loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. We have not thought of ourselves better than others. This pause has been for everyone, not just a few select people.

We have been challenged to decide if this new norm will be a positive or a negative experience. We have to take this pause and see how our purpose can be used to encourage one another to be more like God. Do not waste this time but use it to be proactive in pursuing opportunities that you may have dismissed in the past. Use this time to grow closer to loved ones or to check items off of your ‘to do’ list. Being on pause may be inconvenient but you can still work on projects that have been put off for just the right time.

Take a break and use this pause for reconnecting with your hopes and dreams. Life on pause does not have to be negative. It can be just what is needed. Let God order your steps and find peace in the pause.